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Global Warming

Drowning Waters
Global sea levels have raised about 8 inches since 1880, and the rate of rise is accelerating.  Scientists expect seas to rise 1.3 to 3.9 feet by the end of the century, which would put the homes of more than 100 million people worldwide at risk for regular flooding or even under water.
Take a closer look at rising sea levels on NASA's Climate Time Machine.
Jocelyn "Extraordinarie1" Goode
Jarrett Robertson
Amy Hope "Queen of love and hope"​ 

'Wood you?'/'Drowning waters' is a collaboration touching on the effects of global warming and deforestation. Our eco system is in danger. Imagine two major organs in your body suddenly stopped working and the domino effect that takes place after.


Our sea levels are rising effecting our coastlines and land, yet only a few areas are tended to. We are drowning and suffocating at the same time.


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